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Welcome to ACIM-Doodles!

by | May 20, 2014

In this blog I want to share my journey with “A Course In Miracles”.

I started studying the course in spring 2014 with a journal to keep up with my insights about it.

A little later it inspired me to doodle little figures. I learn from pictures and by drawing what I study I learn best. I’m very happy about these little doodle guys that appear in my sketchbook and I hope they might make your journey more fun too.

For me this is not a very serious course – it brings me so much joy! I don’t have a big need to resist or argue about its terms – I just try to accept and see where it leads me.

My doodles are mostly inspired by the Workbook lessons and the Course in general – you can see more information about the lessons in ACIM Workbook.

Sometimes I have picked inspiration from workshops and books related to A Course In Miracles:
‘Return to Love – workshop’ CD series by Marianna Williamson
‘Miracles Now’ by Gabrielle Bernstein

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Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations. Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

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