Ahh, storylines are clicking together!
What if our comfort zones are in fact dark pits where we believe lies safety and comfort?
But there’s so much more to life than that!
It may feel scary to climb those ladders..
You may ask yourself “What if I fall?” but you keep climbing,
there’s so much more to life than where you were.
I started doodling myself into the light two years ago..
The pace was perfect for me when taken one doodle at a time.

My other dark pit Mira(cle)Doodles refer to is working with beliefs.
To confuse you a little I ask, could this be connected to the comfort zone idea?
Digging in your dark pit and looking around you in your comfort zone may actually awaken
the beliefs that serve you and help you out of there.
In the Meditation Experience “Become What You Believe” I dug deep for my roots (beliefs) and found out they were covered by post it -notes from my ego..

These beliefs that serve us are essential to keep in mind in all our actions.
This is a story that begun with those small steps of those ladders.