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Creates Illustrations & Books

Creates Illustrations & Books

A Promise Beyond Resistance

Written & Illustrated by elinap

You know that huge mountain in your life..

The one you try to ignore..

The one you’ve tried to do everything you can about..

The one that still persists, no matter what.

And it’s terrifying.

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

I know.

I have that too.. And I used to be a rock climber. But not all mountains are as tempting as others. Even if you looove to climb some other mountains, conquer hard tasks and face difficult situations, some things in your life may be exhausting to even think about (it can be for example your money situation, the clutter all over your home, your huge dream that you’d love to make true, but you are so afraid..)

Some say, just do it. (Like it was THAT easy!)

Some say, action cures fear.

And you say, yeah right..

I heard one of the most encouraging quotes this week on making some action and taking steps toward curing that fear.

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if in fact all this pushing and trying and procrastinating just means that there is even a bigger gift waiting for you on the other side?

Take a few steps back, take a good look at your mountain and maybe you can see a new path unfolding in front of you that you haven’t seen there before when you tried so hard to push through it.

Tell me in the comments
What does your mountain look like?

And then
Describe what that gift on the other side could feel like?

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations. Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

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