Inktober Day 14 – Fierce
This is for all the mothers out there!
I have two sons of my own and when I feel into the word “fierce” (and did another picture search) the first association was for mother instinct. Have you ever felt your child is threatened?
This is how I’ve felt at those times. Even though I never express it on the outside with such a roar – More likely I start planning on how to solve the situation in a peaceful way. But this fierce feeling inside me kicks me into action!
..And before you ask for help from others it feels like you are on a lone island with your kids at those times…
But a huge friendly world is out there to help you! Just reach out!
You can follow Mira(cle)Doodles having fun with #inktober2017 at Mira’s fb page and elinap.me fb page.