Creates Illustrations & Books

99 Days of Silent Screen – My Social Media Break Is Over
The day has come today when I’ll again publish my elinap Facebook
& Instagram pages…
And return refreshed and renewed to the world of social media!
Nothing bad happened even though I spent time IRL – It was wonderful!
Without the constant scrolling of my newsfeed I was freed to
- Take my life as it is and love it more every single day.
- Do whatever I liked to do, because there were more hours in the days.
- Spend quality time with my family and close friends – Who I actually saw live more than before too!
- Relax and not think about achieving and succeeding so much. I got in touch with the feeling of me being enough, having enough and doing enough and from that feeling there started to flow more energy for me to be the best version of me now and in the future.
- Have energy to face some issues in my life that I had procrastinated with for too long. I did some deep diving and decluttering.
- Strenghten my energies to come back to using social media more consciously from now on.
- Recognize my boundaries for the smart use of social media. I know now that I got the power and I can retreat from there for 99 days or more (or less!) if needed again. It’s okay!
- Begin a new adventure as part of this website called MINIMAL – THIS IS ENOUGH where I am reaping what I sowed during these 99 days of absence from social media.
- Oh and one more thing! I also learnt to play piano for the first time in my life! SWEET!
I’m really excited to come back and share my work with the world!
See you over at Facebook!

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations. Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.
Enjoy more doodles at Patreon