Drawing Your Future Brings Clarity
Welcome New Year! I hope you enjoyed the celebrations over Christmas and had great time with your friends and family or with your beautiful heart!
Now that there’s already so much more light in our days up here in Finland it’s so much easier to start planning the future and start to think what’s next! I have been wanting to share this exercise for months already, the minute I saw it on You Tube I knew it’s a powerful one!
Drawing brings so much clarity and when I asked for a doodle idea this one popped in my mind – It feels like this when I ask my creativity to bring me answers – My heart pulls out the picture from my pen and draws her dreams out into reality!

Download the template, print it out and begin.
I invite you to draw your future in five steps starting with
watching these two TEDx Talks on You Tube from Patti Dobrowolski:
“Drawing Your Future” and
“Creative Genius: You”
1. Watch the videos above for amazing inspiration!
2. Start with drawing your current state on the left side of the picture.
3. Draw your dream on the right side and color it beautiful!
4. While you color you can start to ask your brain …or heart:
What are the three bold steps I’d need to take to get there?
Fill them in the arrows.
5. And when you’ve them written down remember to come back
to this picture often if not daily then at least on a weekly basis
and take action!
Don’t be shy on trying out your pen! Like in the videos Patti Dobrowolski says, you don’t need to know how to draw, but drawing it yourself is very powerful!
I’d love to hear from you – What are you drawing and wanting to add in your life?
Comment below and share your journey!