My new book Through the Thought Clouds is now available!

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Creates Illustrations & Books

A JOYful Doodlestory

by | Jun 15, 2021

Mira(cle)doodles by elinap

The 29th Mira(cle)Doodle Story is available!

How to Rest in JOY?

Mira(cle)Doodle Stories weave together insights from everyday blunders in a joyful, uncomplicated way. Any obscure concept is turned into whimsy and fun by elinap!

It’s fun how these monthly themes that I’ve chosen to cover aspects of life that bring me wellbeing, actually end up helping you to connect and follow your heart.

And isn’t following your heart the best way to feel great?

That’s what makes my creativity flow, and that’s what the book I’m editing the finishing touches on is all about too (Stay tuned to hear more on The Four Phases of Creativity soon!) This doodle story then feels like an add-on that dives a bit deeper to the theme that introduced in the book:

Resting in joy is what brings you rest the best.

Ready to rest?

The story is posted at Patreon:

:: You can unlock this and all the previously posted booklets for $5/month. ::


Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations. Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon