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Creates Illustrations & Books

It’s Time to Get Comfortable Asking for Help

by | Sep 30, 2021

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

The theme of the month in September was


at Patreon

Here you can see all the posts in a nutshell, so you can go back and take a look at them when you want.

  • The month started with reframing asking for help and taking the first step with the monthly doodle.
  • The monthly doodle story called “Why, When & How to Ask for Help…” then dived deeper into what the monthly doodle gently touched upon.
  • For implementing the ideas shared in the posts above I shared a coloring exercise which inspires to tap into the infinite possibilities there are available and open up for receiving help.
  • On the last Monday of the month I shared the behind the scenes vibes of my book launch with the monthly sneak peek. The Four Phases of Creativity is now available at elinap shop!

Read it all at

Now, for the fifth year in row, October means Inktober for me… I love to participate in the daily drawing challenge Jake Parker runs.

Daily doodling means that I will return to do a daily practice – which has always proved to be the most effective way for me to have a conversation with my soul.

So I picked the monthly theme for October to be DAILY PRACTICING (as means to connecting and chatting with your soul).

Daily practice is what started it all for me, and which has returned me back to who I truly am so many times, that I can’t wait to see what will pop up when I explore the theme deeper with a doodle, doodle story and a coloring picture next month!

The Monthly Themes in 2021

Shadow Work         Self-Kindness          The Uncomfort Zone

Cyclical Living          Creativity          Rest

Dream         Dare to Shine         Ask for Help

Daily Practice (in October)

Abundance vs Scarcity (in November)

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations. Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon