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Creates Illustrations & Books

Making Creativity Easy & Effortless

by | May 31, 2021

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

In May Mira & I took a deep dive into


Making Creativity Easy & Effortless

at Patreon

Here you can see all the posts in a nutshell, so you can go back and take a look at them when you want.

  • The month started with the monthly doodle explaining my idea of Creativity at Its Best.
  • The monthly doodle story explores what it means to Create with Love.
  • The next day from that out came an exercise that helps you Have Your Creativity FLOW.
  • Today I shared a sneak peek behind the scenes on what’s happening right now. And that’s a lot, there are altogether SIX books I’m working on that are all at the finish line. It’s fun how those projects just pop out of the drawer, all of them wanting my attention at the same time. But what can you do in a situation like that to not overwhelm yourself? That’s answered in the sneak peek.

Unlock the posts with

With all of this activity in my personal life, and opening up of the world going on, I feel the need to calm down, and dedicate a month for REST as our next theme. Just to be prepared for it when my holiday begins.

This time though it’s not sleep nor naps that this rest is about… Let’s have Mira explain it for us in the next monthly doodle!

The Monthly Themes in 2021

Shadow Work         Self-Kindness          The Uncomfort Zone

Cyclical Living          Creativity          Rest

Dream         Dare to Shine         Ask for Help

Daily Practice (in October)

Abundance vs Scarcity (in November)

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations. Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon