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It’s Time to Dream!

by | Jul 31, 2021

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In July Mira & I took a deep dive into



at Patreon

Here you can see all the posts in a nutshell, so you can go back and take a look at them when you want.

  • The month started with the monthly doodle to help you recognize who’s on the driver’s seat when it comes to your dreams… Is it the ego, or is it love that’s calling you to make your dreams come true?
  • The monthly doodle story then dived deeper into three big fears that can make you feel like your dreams will always stay dreams, and how to handle them.
  • Diving even deeper I shared a coloring exercise with questions to meditate on for helping you to always choose your dream instead of listening to the ego.
  • On the last Monday of the month my patrons got to be the first ones to see the unboxing event of the first proof copy of my book in the monthly sneak peek. With more in depth behind the scenes reveals than the video has (You can watch the video here on the blog also).

Unlock the posts with

Now that we are all connected with our dreams, it’s time to shed light on the theme of DARING TO SHINE & SHOW UP so that you are ready to also go for your dream, and not leave it as a dream!

Let’s see what Mira has to say on that in August!

The Monthly Themes in 2021

Shadow Work         Self-Kindness          The Uncomfort Zone

Cyclical Living          Creativity          Rest

Dream         Dare to Shine         Ask for Help

Daily Practice (in October)

Abundance vs Scarcity (in November)

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations. Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon