Here’s a sneak peek inside!
“Even though the ego may have helped us crawl to the finish line, deep in our heart we know we were already there, every step of the way.”
The ego takes the credit for each of the steps, although it may have made the journey longer, harder and more obscure in its uncertainty of the outcome.
The ego is afraid that it won’t survive if Mira surrendered to Love all the way.
But Mira keeps on going!
She is starting to see that all the ego offers is a detour, a longer route, and more weight on her shoulders.
What loving signs can you spot right now that tell you “ALL IS WELL”?
The doodles in this collection were drawn daily in October 2020, 2021, and 2022, inspired by the one-word prompts of Jake Parker’s INKTOBER challenge. They are presented in the same order as the prompts were given, with five short stories in between.