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Creates Illustrations & Books

Mira as a Wooden Puppet

by | Nov 30, 2023

This year one of my big dreams has come true!
I’ve started to learn puppetry and made my first puppet.
MIRA 1 & 2 - Collections of Mira(cle)Doodles
MIRA 1 & 2 - Collections of Mira(cle)Doodles
When I doodle, I see Mira animated on the paper. I have always loved carving too. Now, these two are coming together, I can hear puzzle pieces clicking! Mira as a wooden puppet – OF COURSE!
I started studying puppetry, and fell in love. It’s a slow, one chip at a time, one step at a time kinda process to take it all in and learn to carve, build, use all the machines and then of course animate the puppet.
I think this one is pretty great for a first attempt, so I’m passionately carving more, and practicing.
I’m going to step away from social media in 2024 to take this path seriously, but I love to share my journey.

So, I’ve decided to post my journey on my Patreon page.

You can join for free to see my puppet building posts (photos) or upgrade to start every month with a doodle.

Join for free and stay updated for upgrading possibilities!

Mira the Wooden Puppet by elinap

My goal is to learn to express my stories with puppets that I’ve carved myself. Join for a fun ride and enjoy Mira’s company in 2024!

Thank you for your support!

Join for free and stay updated for upgrading possibilities!

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations. Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon