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April Fool’s Puppet

by | Apr 1, 2024

In 2024, I’m studying building wooden puppets online in The Puppet Academy.
Here’s another puppet I’ve just finished carving.
Affen the Wooden rod Puppet by elinap
Affen the Wooden rod Puppet by elinap

This time, it was time to practice the making of rod puppets.

I was inspired by Arthur in his chubby fish form in the Disney movie The Sword in the Stone for this puppet.

Affen the Wooden rod Puppet by elinap
Affen the Wooden rod Puppet by elinap
After lots of carving, sanding and glueing – Affen was born!
(Affen is a cute way to say ahven which is a perch in Finnish.)

Then I added some fishy shine on Affen:

Affen the Wooden rod Puppet by elinap

Eek, its tummy is way too cute!!!

I can’t help it but I’ve fallen in love with these colors on Affen’s tummy. There’s something wonderful in white with green and red…


Last, I added a rod,

some strings, &

then it’s time to swim!

Affen the Wooden rod Puppet by elinap

Now that Affen is here, I’m getting to know it by patiently tuning into what kind of stories it could tell. I think it’s going to love pranks, because it was born on April Fool’s Day!

But all in good time.

Come over and check out my other puppets on Patreon, too!

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Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations. Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon