I visited Tina’s In Kinship podcast last week and it was truly delightful!
The episode is called
Making sense of the world through illustration!

You can find the episode here
Or listen on your favorite podcast app
(It’s In Kinship podcast, episode #40)
My favorite moments were
…When we discussed how this one question changed my life:
“What do I always return to do, because it has brought me so much joy?”
…I talked about my two favorite daily creativity-savers:
MAMs (Mornings Are Mine) and SOPs (Standard Operating Prochedures)
…Noticing how often I returned to chat about my doodling practice and how Mira is part of my life.
…Sharing of journaling practices, love of oracle cards, beautiful nature stories, and so much more!
And some corrections…
…I actually meant square FEET, not meters, when I mentioned how tiny or small our home is. Haha, I tried to be clever and do the conversion, but it didn’t quite hit home.
…And I do have met at least one other person who wanted to become a witch when she grew up! I was too quick to say that I have never met another, I’m sorry I forgot!