“After reading Elina’s book about the four phases of creativity, I feel excited to tackle my creative projects using nature as a guide. Reminding us to honour the seasons and moon cycles, the book is both nourishing and energizing. The illustrations infuse the main messages with joy, making this such a fun book to reference whenever feeling unsure about the creative process.”
– Jessica Tudos, The Author of Kika the Upside-Down Girl
I just received the paperback proof copy of THE FOUR PHASES OF CREATIVITY from the US, and it looks great! ❤ Hooorayyyy!!
I’ve been working on so many books at the moment, but receiving proof copies is always as exciting (especially in cases like this when they are all ready to go and no more changes need to be done!)
The publishing date is August 11th, and this one will be sold worldwide!
You can pre-order the paperback from Amazon or Barnes & Noble
P.S. It looks like the hard cover got a little sister, the paperback is a little bit smaller, but in the inside it’s the same size…
Signed copies available at
Paperback available at
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