My new book Through the Thought Clouds now available for pre-order

Go for your Dreams, says Mr. Fishbird


In 2024, I’m studying building wooden puppets online in The Puppet Academy.
Here’s another puppet I’ve just finished carving.
Affen the Wooden rod Puppet by elinap

Mr. Fishbird, as some of you might remember, is a character I drew in 2020.

He was born in a peculiar way: Here in Finland, we cast tin to see to the future on the last day of the year. Once the tin has cooled down (the melted tin is cast in a bucket of cold water) we gather together and look at the shadows the tins show on a wall. The shape of my tin on December 31, 2019 was Mr. Fishbird as it is drawn on the left above.

I asked for its message and figured that he was here to help me stop wondering whether I was a fish or a bird (that’s a saying in Finland) and rather just be both and stop procrastinating.

In 2020, he encouraged me and my patrons on Patreon with messages that helped us to keep going for our dreams.

Now, I’m getting to know him on another level—as a wooden puppet!

Affen the Wooden rod Puppet by elinap
Affen the Wooden rod Puppet by elinap

Again, the journey to the finish was sooo much fun! Check out the full post with lots more images on Patreon.

It’s free!

Come over and check out my other puppets on Patreon, too!

You can join for free to see my puppet building posts (photos) or upgrade to enjoy Mira’s doodle vibes!
Affen the Wooden rod Puppet by elinap

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations.
Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon