My new book Through the Thought Clouds is now available!

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Creates Illustrations & Books

Evolving with editing…

Evolving with editing…

Writing a book, illustrating it, editing, killing your darlings, sketching more and editing some more… It’s a messy process to create a book—Here’s a couple of pages from MIRA and how they evolved in the process… “Ei doodlea” = No...
Friday Evening at an event…

Friday Evening at an event…

Last week I took my book out in the city on a Friday evening! The Four Phases of Creativity visited an event with me and had fun on its own little corner of the table next to my friend Marianna Salokannel’s ceramics.(IG: @mandala_and_more1) It was really...
Doodle notes for Doodle #29

Doodle notes for Doodle #29

In this series of blog posts I’ll dive deeper into the world of my doodles. In this post we’ll take a closer look at doodle #29 in MIRA – Glimpses of Life & Whispers from the Heart… DOODLE NOTES for times of transformingWho do you follow...
Follow Your Heart Planner Vibes

Follow Your Heart Planner Vibes

Here’s a personal project of mine that I’d like to share with you! FRESH FROM PRINT—Yay! For a couple of years, I’ve created my own planners and have been testing out what works for me. I love to have a customized planner, and this time...
You Can Now Pre-Order MIRA

You Can Now Pre-Order MIRA

Yay, now—finally—the first evercollection of Mira(cle)Doodles isavailable for pre-order! This is a whole 120-page book filled with delightful doodles! Jessica said it made her feel happy and optimistic, and another reader, even though noticed this wasn’t her...