Thoughts Love To Fly Free
This Thought got some wings!I was surprised when they slowly folded open.My first thought was that is it really so,that after all,the questioning is also an illusionwhich my ego has set for me to keep me busy..It probably is - until I let go of the thought.
Letting Go of My Thoughts
When I question my thoughts I love to do it with the help of Byron Katie's The Work.
The Endless Cycle of Analyzing
Just Be Willing to Do So
When All I See is Chaos
Judging Illusions
Edit: I draw another after finding this wonderful quote from Wayne Dyer
Letting Go
And testing new technology..Doodleing can be so much more easier!!Yey, I like it!
In What You Believe?
Eternal Love Inside
Rest in Peace
The Eyes of the Spirit
Questioning Your Thoughts
The Source of All Joy
God is Love
It's interesting how sometimes I start to fight with the terms of A Course In Miracles. It is a game my ego wants to play. Wanting to make me busy with words instead of learning the thing. 😉
The Truth is Hard to Believe
My Holiness Blesses the World
Now You See, Now You Don’t
The Old Tempting Story
Jumping Merrily Towards the New World
Seeing Yourself in the Reflection of the World
A Call For Love
Emptying Your Mind and Seeing Differently
Some parts of the sentences are missing