My new book Through the Thought Clouds is now available!

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Creates Illustrations & Books

A Rich Lady and an Artist

A Rich Lady and an Artist

Mira wanted her own doodle version of the story of the Mexican Fisherman. (Link to Be More With Less blog’s version of it) What is your heart calling for? Join my circle at Patreon to enjoy the newest Mira(cle)Doodles & Doodle Stories that are inspired by my...
A Ladder To the Light

A Ladder To the Light

[This story was written in 2016] This is a short story of how the past three years have changed my art. I remember seeing a vision of myself some years ago drawing only happy pictures in the future and I laughed at it. Oh, how much I laughed! I thought that it could...

Kahden puppetin tarina

Tämä on tarina kahdesta veljeksestä… Kokosta ja Pepestä ja siitä kuinka he saapuivat perheeseemme. Kaikki alkoi juutubesta, josta löysimme kiehtovia tutorial videoita käsinukkejen teosta. Eihän sitä voinut muuta kuin kokeilla itsekin! Ensimmäinen vaihe: Pää Pää...
Greetings from London – Taking Action & Positivity

Greetings from London – Taking Action & Positivity

This is the third (and probably the last) post of doodles from Visibility and Possibilities Event bySandra Pilarczyk and Project Positive Change which I doodled through. See how much more solid those stairs are the closer they get. A dream may seem distant,but...
Greetings from London – Public Speaking

Greetings from London – Public Speaking

Sandra Pilarzcyk taught us a wonderful workshop about giving speeches.I loved what she said about authenticity as I’ve now experimented with the video andseen that it’s a long way to go before I feel like myself in front of a camera. This is something to...