Doodling Miracles


A Lovely Opportunity to Let My Creativity Flow

A Lovely Opportunity to Let My Creativity Flow

A Lovely Opportunity to Let My Creativity Flow Thank you, Linda for this! I love to have you participating again in my course! <3 “I am excited to participate again in Elina’s Wrap Up the Year Coloring Course. I have done Elina’s past coloring courses and found...

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A Message From Mira: Everything Will Fall Into Place!

A Message From Mira: Everything Will Fall Into Place!

A Message From Mira: Everything Will Fall Into Place!   This quote from Marianne Williamson is always a great reminder. And hmm.. Sometimes it's good to remember that peace isn't hiding - It's there at all times for you to BE. Be Peace and everything will fall...

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A Message From Mira: Love the Way You Live!

A Message From Mira: Love the Way You Live!

A Message From Mira: Love the Way You Live! Whatever your path looks like it's worth a good embrace! Welcome to Follow Mira on Fb Mira posts her sweet weekly reminders over at Facebook! Click "See First" and you'll never miss it on your...

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Character Strengths in Ink With Animals

Character Strengths in Ink With Animals

To continue the awesome habit of daily drawing I did in October with #inktober I’ll draw one ink drawing a day in November about character strengths. I pick an animal that best represent the strength and…

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My Online Course is Here – Wrap Up the Year & Find the Gifts of 2017!

A Message From Mira: Let’s Relax!

A Message From Mira: Let's Relax! Phew I must say! It was fun to inktober all October, but now it's back to just me and you! In November I'll share doodles about peace of mind, because this is the month when it is wonderful to pause after all that letting go and...

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Inktober Day 31 – Mask

Inktober Day 31 – Mask

Inktober Day 31 - Mask Last day of the #inktober2017 challenge! I'm so happy I stayed on the game and did these daily ink drawings with ease and joy! Thank YOU for sharing this journey with me! And what comes to this particular doodle.. We wear so many masks and are...

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Inktober Day 30 – Found

Inktober Day 30 – Found

Inktober Day 30 - Found Finding it doesn't mean it always goes smoothly. But this dance of life is so much more fun when we are aware of the forces that affect our decisions. PS. I’ve decided that I will be continuing the daily prompts in November too! But with a...

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Inktober Day 29 – United

Inktober Day 29 – United

Inktober Day 29 - United Imagining loving parents looking after their child.. The ego has his own perception of parenting - His appearance is essential in making us stay alive. He can alert us of danger and make us feel uncomfortable when something needs to change in...

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Inktober Day 28 – Fall

Inktober Day 28 – Fall

Inktober Day 28 - Fall "When you fall I'll catch you!" says Love. Always there. Even when it seems dark when you fall - Rest assured you'll be landing on Love! You can follow Mira(cle)Doodles having fun with #inktober2017 at Mira's fb page and fb...

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Inktober Day 27 – Climb

Inktober Day 27 – Climb

Inktober Day 27 - Climb The smaller version of me, my mini-me, sees the climb differently than the truer version of me. Smallness is an illusion our egos play out for us. Just keep climbing and you'll grow to be You! PS. I decided today that I will be continuing the...

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Rock Your Fabulous Biz Podcast Featuring elinap.. Me!

Rock Your Fabulous Biz Podcast Featuring elinap.. Me!

I was a guest in Ruby McGuire's awesome Rock Your Visibility Group in September and she interviewed me for a podcast!The episode is called How To Use Doodles To Get Visible In Your Biz "In this episode, you'll learn How Elina taps into her creativity to understand...

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What Are Mira(cle)Doodles About?

What Are Mira(cle)Doodles About?

What Are Mira(cle)Doodles About? Just found this old comics I drew a couple of years ago of what I do. That lizzard is the ego.. And in my case it has a huge urge to figure things out. When I set myself in action to find out what I need to learn at some point this...

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Inktober Day 26 – Squeak

Inktober Day 26 – Squeak

Inktober Day 26 - Squeak Today I take the easy route.. And it means that I'm using an ink drawing I did today when not thinking about the inktober prompt. I was at Helsinki Book Fair drawing live for an hour and drew this and nine more in that time. So this is a fast...

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Inktober Day 25 – Ship

Inktober Day 25 – Ship

Inktober Day 25 - Ship Phew, this is sooo hard to believe sometimes, but the more you try it out it starts to convince you! It works! You can follow Mira(cle)Doodles having fun with #inktober2017 at Mira's fb page and fb page.

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A Message From Mira: What Instead?

A Message From Mira: What Instead?

A Message From Mira: What Instead?! What would you like to feel instead? This is my power question in practicing letting go. It fills me with the feeling of infinite possibilities. Whenever I notice something is dragging me down - if I just remember to ask myself this...

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Inktober Day 24 – Blind

Inktober Day 24 – Blind

Inktober Day 24 - Blind Usually we'd say blinded by a bright light, but most commonly we are blinded by our shadow. And I'm saying that because just yesterday I joined a course where we are revealing the blocks that keep us stuck and it means digging deeper into our...

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Inktober Day 23 – Juicy

Inktober Day 23 – Juicy

Inktober Day 23 - Juicy When you order from the Universe's Menu you are free to choose ANYthing! And oh wow that is hard to believe sometimes.. But what if just for today at least.. What if you could dream yourself doing ANYthing you wanted and being who you really...

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Inktober Day 22 – Trail

Inktober Day 22 – Trail

Inktober Day 22 - Trail Trail of love leads you to new discoveries! You can follow Mira(cle)Doodles having fun with #inktober2017 at Mira's fb page and fb page.

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Inktober Day 21 – Furious

Inktober Day 21 - Furious This picture was inspired by a moment I took watching old photographs.. Lol! Just observed this tendency to be furious before some huge change in my life. And then of course it looks like the hurricanes that we have on our planet around this...

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Inktober Day 20 – Deep

Inktober Day 20 – Deep

Inktober Day 20 - Deep For example in my studies and what I've observed one of the simplest secrests to a good life is TO BREATHE and smile... These two don't look very deep, but when you experiment with them they reveal solutions to many, many situations. You can...

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Inktober Day 19 – Cloud

Inktober Day 19 – Cloud

Inktober Day 19 - Cloud Ahhh, clouds!! I started to first think about HOW to draw a cloud, but then again ended up not drawing a cloud and instead drew this.. This makes me think of clouds of all kinds and really ignites my imagination and sends me back to those...

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In case you found a doodle that you'd love to include in your book, presentation or other for-profit work send elinap a message so we can discuss terms and/or create a licensing agreement.

© 2003-2024 elinap – Elina Puohiniemi