An Online Course – Color Our Dream World
Jennifer Sutton from What If Wellness has created an online course for Coloring Our Dream World. She uses the book I created as a tool and adds her own expertise in. Check out the event page in FB for more information. It's a fundraiser to support people at the...
Uplifting Others
What is your special trick to uplift others?
A Thought Free Area
My yoga mat got a new meaning today!
The Path of Gold
Every year when the tall trees drop their old needles I'm in awe! They turn the paths pure gold! And then I think about Dorothy and her golden brickroad, which is yellow in the book by the way. (And the shoes were silver, not red like in the movie). And yes I do think...
Be the Spark
These days we are living through now may feel overwhelmingly dark somedays. I loved to hear this quote from Mike Dooley - Notes From the Universe and while I doodled it - This occured: The darkness we observe has the whole universe inside. Listening to our heart...
In the Early Morning Hours
Today I am tired. It took me an hour to make that babbling stop. Phew.
Pearls of Wisdom
I saw this like a movie that unfolded in front of me as I received an energy healing session. Brilliant!
Do These 3 Simple Things
Notes From the Universe
Feel It – It’s Okay
A Meaning Making Master
High or Low – You Decide
There's always a chance to rise your vibes! Something new here! Thank you Carol CC Miller from Positive-Focus for this affirmation at Project Positive Change Infinite Possibilities Telesummit!
That went better
Something new here! Thank you Carol CC Miller from Positive-Focus for this affirmation at Project Positive Change Infinite Possibilities Telesummit!
If I Weren’t Afraid…
Oldies here again! Two years ago I was terrified of posting these doodles. This is one of the very first colored ones. I'm happy I pushed the publish button, it became a platful journey!
All Is Well
I thought that I'd come a couple of times a week to throw you some old Mira(cle)Doodles while I'm busy creating illustrations! This one is from September 2014 and sums it all up pretty much. When we do things we love, others hear the message that helps them let go...
The Flow of Creativity
This is what happens to me.. And is now happening, I have turned inside and there's this magnificent connection to a flow of things wanting to get out into the world through my pen.. So I'll spend less time here in the social media for some time. It's quite amazing...
Great at Manifesting
I just listened to some episodes of the Infinite Possibilities Telesummit by Project Positive Change. It was truly inspiring for many more doodles! Join the Infinite Possibilities Telesummit, it's free and the vibes are high!
A Raindrop Meditation – Video
Here's a little something for a rainy day!
Mira(cle)Doodles Newsletter
Sign up for the free monthly newsletter and receive Mira and her friends in your inbox. In the first days of each month you’ll receive The Doodle of the month, which I’ll publish only in my Newsletter A new meditative coloring picture exercise. Sneak peek over my...
A Dance Break!
I've been practicing shooting videos this summer a lot. Now I think this is like the first one where I'm actually quite relaxed in. Yeehaa! Big win - thanks to Sandra Pilarczyk and the Visibility Challenge of hers. Sign up for my newletter or read more about it
Ditching the Sugar – or – Reclaiming Your Power?
This one started as a question of how I'd draw the effects of ditching sugar, but it turned out to be something more.. Lol! Almost three weeks with only a couple of fruits a day (no added sugar in any other form) and feeling great!
Just a really fast doodle this time.. This was how my ego felt two weeks ago when he realized I'm going to change like everything about my diet at once.. ? And look at me now, ego, I'm still alive and feeling better than in ages!
You Got the Answers
The only way for me to motivate myself to change my life (especially my diet) is to get clear on what my heart wants. Then I get clear on how and what would serve my heart the best. My body tells, and right now I'm taking time to listen to it. And no way is my heart...
Behind the Scenes – Video!
Shooting videos has something very fascinating about it... I just keep on practicing... And publishing the ones I like, like this one: Mira(cle)Doodles Behind the Scenes videos are filled with details of the inspiration and deeper meanings of these doodles. I'd love...
Making It Flow
What if drinking enough water could be a spiritual practice too? Allowing with it our bodies to cleanse and revive itself. Isn't taking this opportunity away from our bodies like resisting the essence of our lives? If most of this thing called 'life' is altogether...
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