Money Love Challenge – Day 2
Recalling a memory from my childhood. Join the challenge at
Money Love Challenge – Day 1
Today my heart drew a line in the "sand" and it means a new beginning! Are you in the Kate Northrup's #moneylovechallenge with me? Join here:
It’s Pure L-awe!
I started to play with the words 'love' and 'awe' as a result of all the happy news I've experienced today!
The Crushing of the Heart
I loved the Inside Out movie! I drew Sadness through from a screencapture picture.
Ask For Answers
I don't ask this question consciously - drawing and journaling just returns me to love. The act in itself asks the question!
An Iceberg With A Motor
The journey has begun! It feels like Patreon is a motor for my fully-lit iceberg. It was so much fun to receive my first patron! I am so grateful for you, because now the journey is worth it - Now I have company and we can have FUN! Would you like to join us?
Bite That, Ego!
Kate Northrup is having a new Money Love Challenge again this month. I participated last year and I just filled in her Money Love Planner for this year (Get it free from her blog) and I was happily surprised! I am finally getting over that lack mentality where my ego...
Take a Good Friend Along
Ah, I feel the peace and calm come back to me! It has been an exciting day for me and quite honestly - I was terrified too! But.. ..The world didn't collapse, the rollercoaster tracks are still holding me on this ride where my ever curious heart again told me to go...
Mira Goes Patreon!
It's time to announce my plans for this year! I found this incredibly made-for-me solution last fall and started to research how it would work for my evolving plans. It was a match! It's called Patreon! I have launched my patreon -page today with wonderful rewards!...
The Underlying Monsters of My Un-Comfort Zone
Remember these doodles I did last spring when I felt I was making my iceberg (Only 20 % of an iceberg is visible - 80 % of it is hidden under the surface) more visible? I had a strong feeling of not letting those hidden strengths hide anymore inside me.. It begun a...
My Daily Reminders
I love Louise Hay's I Can Do It -calendar and Kris Carr's Crazy, Sexy Love notes illustrated by Lori Portka.
The Messengers of the Beauty of the Nature
This other picture spoke this message for me.. We are all needed! Let's help the beauty spread around! Let's point out the beauty of this planet and of our adventures to others! Let's help this little messenger which appears in even the smallest detail if we just take...
Awe-struck By the Nature
I couldn't find the words for this doodle. Those colors on the ice are just stunning! These colors appeared in the surface of the ice today, where we had hammered it with an axe. Have you been awestruck by nature?
Now It’s Better
Come Down Here
The heart refers to a doodle I drew last spring.. This one from May 4th, 2015:
And So Does A Sunset..
Sunrise Happens Every Moment
Happy new beginnings!
Ready For The New Beginnings – Top 10 of the 2015
Here are the TOP 10 Doodles I picked for us for supporting the new beginnings that a new year is bringing us. Let's follow our hearts and be the best version of ourselves that we possibly can! Thank you for sharing this awesome doodle adventure with me this year! More...
Playing Together
I invited my Mira(cle)Doodles group to play with me - and this is what came out! Together we decided where it all happens - at the beach - and then everybody chose which character they wanted to be and what it would be doing in the picture. Then I sketch and draw!...
Planning The New Year
I wonder what they are whispering to each other there.. Looks like they are having fun with their new plans! What are you planning for the new year?
How To Tell A Story?
Year 2015 was a year of doodles. This doodle describes a story I've painted with spoken words to children that I've worked with. A forest can change into an undersea adventure easily in my mind. These questions are now the ones I ask myself, they are my next goal: I...
Kill Your Darlings
This was the other doodle I drew during my break.. It seems that attachment to outcome comes from the ego after all..
That little snow on thin ice was like all the stars from the Universe. Add sunshine, joyful children and warm black currant juice and lunch for picnicing and you have all what you need for a wonderful trip to forest. It feels good to be back here with Mira. (This is...
I Choose Me
Yay! My one week long social media break is now behind! I drew just two doodles during the first days of the break, then Mira was silent. Here is the feeling I felt this week. It feels so good every time when I get to spend time by myself - it recharges my batteries...
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