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Creates Illustrations & Books

Inktober Day 14 – Fierce

Inktober Day 14 – Fierce

Inktober Day 14 – Fierce This is for all the mothers out there! I have two sons of my own and when I feel into the word “fierce” (and did another picture search) the first association was for mother instinct. Have you ever felt your child is...
Inktober Day 13 – Teeming

Inktober Day 13 – Teeming

Inktober Day 13 – Teeming ‘Teeming’ is another word in this #inktober challenge that is totally new to me. I did a picture search with it in Google and got pictures of teeming insects and big crowds. But what feels most teeming to me in my everyday...
Inktober Day 6 – Sword

Inktober Day 6 – Sword

Inktober Day 6 – Sword “Sword”.. Hmmm.. It took me some time to figure out what to draw today. I scrolled through my old doodles and saw swords drawn a couple of times.. When I was “Slaying a dragon” and thinking how to handle it. Well.....
Inktober Day 5 – Long

Inktober Day 5 – Long

Inktober Day 5 – Long This one always stops me in my tracks. The Now is Enough!?! Yep. All the paths lead to that.. So why not stop running around? You can follow Mira(cle)Doodles having fun with #inktober2017 at Mira’s fb page and fb page....