My new book Through the Thought Clouds is now available!

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Creates Illustrations & Books

About Intuition & How to Use It

A sunshiny day to speak about intuition! Thank you for coming for a little walk with me in the sunshine! I’d love to know how you practice and use your intuition – Comment in the comments below and let’s share our wisdom! How do you use your...

Behind the Scenes – Video!

Shooting videos has something very fascinating about it… I just keep on practicing… And publishing the ones I like, like this one: Mira(cle)Doodles Behind the Scenes videos are filled with details of the inspiration and deeper meanings of these doodles....

Expanding My Comfort Zone

I’ve been exploring my uncomfort zone in purpose of expanding into new level of comfort in a 30-day challenge by Niamh Arthur. It has been awesome to see how far my reality is from my vision. But that is perfectly okay! I meet all the limiting beliefs that come...